Friday, September 10, 2010

...maybe nola had it right...

so. boys are---ummm--confused, to say the least. they rarely know what they want and even if they pretend to know what they want they seem to be afraid to reach out and grab it. when it comes to women, that is. i mean, yeah, the shallow, surface shit comes easy to them. "she looks good" "she got a fat ass" or whatever obvious attraction they find in a female allows them to run a little game and make a few broken promises, but what about the long run? not too many ready for that race, i see. granted, i'm only in my 20s and i won't pretend that i'm ready to get married or anything. but dammit...time is surely tickin away. a serious, exclusive, monogamous, committed relationship is definitely an option. maybe...

well, it was an option. especially with that "one" guy who seemed to be a perfect match. so perfect that not rushing seemed like a great idea. and getting to know one another for---well, it seems like forever, was quite do-able. but after a little of this and a little of that (#oohyallnosey)i'm really wondering...should i really be anxious to settle down?

i recently watched for the first time (and forgive me for i have sinned) spike's "she's gotta have it". and after careful consideration *insert giggle* i'm feeling like maybe nola had a good idea. like nola, i realize i'm totally down for having real-life, pseudo relationships with more than one person. "dating" sucks. most times...but with the mindset that there's not just "one" it becomes an enticing game to play. now, i hope not to be playing this "game" forever, but for now it will have to do.

my theory is, until i can find the "one" who possesses most of the qualities i would love to see in my companion (or something really effin close)(or someone who is working toward that type of potential) i won't have just ONE. right now its like a huge puzzle...but no guy is presenting all the pieces. not that i mite be a full puzzle for someone else either. so why not take a piece from each puzzle? a piece that fits perfectly into a different part of my puzzle. yeah....that's what i'll do...for now at least.

*How do you feel about the "dating""game"?
*Is there really the ONE person for everyone? and will we find them?

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