HAPPY BLACK GIRL DAY!!! this post is dedicated to all my educated black girls!!! i am proud to say that i have recently been accepted to a master's program which i will be starting in the fall...*heeeyyyyy* yet and still i am even more proud of my sista's Ciara Monae (lol), Aris, and Ash B., who will be graduating from master's programs and my sista's Whit and Yotta, who will be graduating from undergrad (fellow KSTATE future alum) in LESS THAN A MONTH! not to mention my countless sis's (Ash Domonique, Nellz, Zuri, Mook, AJ...to name a few) who are currently in grad programs across the country!!!
we are a few of a few who have had the opportunity, ambition, drive, and perseverance to better ourselves through education...and more education, and have found ourselves and the greatness of our "black girlness" along the way. now, i won't lie, i'm sure we've all also experienced the trials of being a black girl (especially a smart one) but we haven't let that hold or slow us down. Ci and i recently came to the conclusion the other nite that, to be black and a woman, you are taught and expected to be dammm near perfect. well, when i look at my sista's i can say that in the eyes of perfection, i think we look pretty dammm awesome! even more so, because we all have goals and dreams of sprinkling our perfection on the world...especially the black world...especially the black girl world! i just hope more black girls jump on this bandwagon...its one of the best ones to be on and will take you to the greatest places.
so, to all my educated black girls, and those that aspire to be educated, every 2nd wednesday of the month, wake up in the morning, have a revelation or two, then look in the mirror and say: "i am a smart ass, strong ass, fine ass black girl yo"...yep!
peace and love